Saturday, January 4, 2014

Love Your Enemies...

Matthew 5:43-46
English Standard Version (ESV)

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?

Last night Kenny and I had "date night". We haven't really had a date night in quite a while. Our normal Friday night date night routine had turned into Kenny going through the drive-thru at Pollo Tropical because I have felt too unwell to cook or to go out for dinner. My latest ailment (dysautonomia) added to my long list of ailments has been drastic fluctuations in blood pressure and an increased heart rate that have brought me to the point of feeling like a limp wet noodle on the verge of passing out almost daily. The cardiac specialist has adjusted my meds and my body is trying to behave so that I am able to function at least a little bit. 

Well, back to date night. We went out for dinner and afterwards we went for some frozen yogurt. We sat outside to enjoy the cooler temperatures. There were some rowdy, loud, vulgar mouthed young men walking back and forth along where we were sitting. I started getting chilly so Kenny left me momentarily to get my sweater out of the car. While he was gone, the young men walked past me again and were intentionally using extremely vulgar language in what seemed like a plot to get a reaction from me. I kept my thoughts to myself, kept my eyes looking downward and away from them and I ignored them. Inside my head, my mind was racing. I had so many thoughts running through my brain. I actually felt quite vulnerable and was scared they may try to mess with me somehow.  I felt such anger about their behavior and also a deep sadness that these kids were so incredibly disrespectful in the company of the adults around them. My flesh wanted to rise up and tell them what I thought about their vulgar language but I could actually sense the danger if I were to do so. Kenny returned with my sweater and I told him about the vulgarity that he missed while he was gone. We continued to hear their loud rants going on behind us. While leaving and walking to our car, we had to walk past them. One of the kid's yelled out to me, "nice stick!", referring to my cane. I honestly couldn't believe a young man could be that rude, cold and heartless to a middle aged woman like myself. I thank God for my husband's self control because the scene could have gotten ugly. 

This brings me to the verse above. To be honest, I wanted to take "my stick" and knock the kid silly. I actually was struggling with how to respond to him and lifted up a quick prayer for wisdom and self control. I looked at my husband and told him how I literally felt like beating the kid with my cane. As we got in the car and I thought about the entire situation I could tell that I was being put in a position to "love my enemy". My heart began to soften a bit and I actually regretted not doing something "radical" like hugging him. That could have turned out really ugly too. "For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?". Yes, I needed to do what I did. I exercised self control and I prayed for those young men. I continue today to keep them in prayer along with the entire generation of youth. Not all young people act or behave this way obviously, but for the ones that do, I pray for them. I'm grateful that no one decided to play the "knock out game" with us and I'm also thankful that my husband and I know Jesus. I pray those young men will meet Him too before He comes back as Judge....He is definitely returning! 

Revelation 3:11
English Standard Version (ESV)
11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.

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