1 Corinthians 3:7-8
New King James Version (NKJV)
7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
As I sit once again from the comfort of my couch and I chat via my Facebook in-box with my sister in Christ, Rani in India, I am blown away at how God has not only blessed me with a friend around the world, but a true sister. How the Lord brought us together is still a bit of a mystery. Our hearts are knit together by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am pretty particular about who I "friend" on Facebook but somehow God led her to Me and Kenny. I am so forever grateful to God for joining us together the way that He has. Rani and her husband Onjang are the epitome of the glorious works that God is doing through the lives of those who love Him. Both Rani and Onjang were orphans themselves. I don't know all the particulars of their stories, but I know enough to be absolutely AMAZED by God and what He is doing in and through their lives. Onjang and Rani have opened their hearts and their home to other children who are orphans. They pour themselves out like a drink offering and shower these precious children with the love of a family and the necessities of life. Their lives are devoted to sharing the love of our Savior Jesus Christ with these children and others in their community, as well as the surrounding villages. It is my privilege and honor to pray for them and to help in a monetary way as we are able and as God leads. They in turn pray for me and my family. I know that their many prayers have sustained me through some of my most troubling times. It fills me and Kenny with so much joy as we see our prayers being answered across the globe. The pictures we see of smiling, beautiful, healthy, precious & loved children that are being cared and provided for, in a very tangible way that is honoring to God, is a HUGE blessing to us. I am not trying to rob them of their eternal rewards. I am writing because these people have devoted their lives to not only spreading the good news of Jesus to others, but they are providing a new life to children who have had the roughest of circumstances to deal with from a very young age. They are an inspiration to me on so many levels. On top of their orphan ministry, Rani's husband Onjang has become a Pastor. He is a modern day Paul going out into the villages of India and bringing the glorious message of salvation through Jesus to a people who may have never heard this great news that we know as the gospel of Jesus Christ. They hold services on Sundays and do special community outreaches as well. I love how the Lord can use us together as one family, connected by the Holy Spirit to plant seeds and water the crop so God can increase His kingdom! If you feel led, please visit their blog at: www.lifewayindia.wordpress.com. You can also friend LifeWay India on Facebook. I guarantee the smiling faces of these children will bring a smile to YOUR face! They give God ALL the glory, as do I.
Matthew 19:14
New King James Version (NKJV)
14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
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