John 10:27
New King James Version (NKJV)
27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
This is day two of my new "drug" plan. Second green smoothie down, Rebif leaving my body for good, shingles on their way out, MS still here but all I can say is "I think I'm on the right path for ME!" After two green smoothies, I feel like Popeye the sailor man. I actually find it very strange that I have more energy today than I've had in weeks. For years, I had been talking to God about what He thought would be best for me to do as far as handling and dealing with my Multiple Sclerosis. I felt the Lord say "no" to me about taking MS drugs for many years and for many years I did fairly well and continued working while not taking any of them. One major point that I feel is necessary to make is that I'm NOT saying that MS drugs are bad. I have a lot of friends who have done extremely well on them. What I'm saying is that we each have our own journey and we have to individually do what God tells us to do. He will not tell all of us to do the same thing. I speak for myself ONLY. Last year, when I had my major "brain stem relapse" that literally had me living on the couch throwing up for months, I wanted to die. When you are that sick, weak and vulnerable, it presents itself as an opportune time for the enemy to try and grab you. He did try but He Who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4). My doctor strongly urged me to "get on something". I felt that God had told me "not now" but my doctor was telling me "now!". In fear, I tried Tysabri. After my first infusion, I felt drained and over the next few days I started having stabbing pains in the back of my head. It started as a few stabs here and there and then turned into chronic pain. My hair started to fall out in clumps in the shower. I knew my body hated this drug but I continued with the program. The following month I told the infusion nurse what had occurred after the first infusion. It didn't seem to phase her. She began to administer the second infusion. About 6-7 minutes into the infusion, my entire body started to itch, I started getting a rash all over my body including my face, my eyes started to swell and I had a weird feeling in my throat and chest. As soon as the nurse saw what was going on she immediately stopped the Tysabri and hooked me up with Benedryl instead. I thought to myself " Lord, You sure slammed this door shut! You told me no MS drugs right now and I didn't listen. Shame on me".
Months later, after suffering through yet another really bad relapse that stemmed from my thoracic spine this time, causing near paralysis and an inability to walk, I fell into the grips of fear once again. Panicked thinking that this time around I was actually going to lose my ability to walk, I once again listened to my doctor's advice over what I felt God was telling me to do. This time I started the MS drug Rebif. As you may know, I have already stopped taking this drug. It reduced my bodies ability to ward off a painful case of shingles and I felt flu-like all of the time. Once again, I had not heeded what the Lord had spoken to me personally. Recently, while playing "Words With Friends" with my sister, the word "kale" popped up during our game. I felt like it smacked me across the face. God can use very natural ways to speak to us. I had been seeing and hearing a lot about the benefits of kale. I'm not saying drugs are bad, a three day course of Solu-Medrol did me a world of good during my "thoracic relapse". I regained my ability to walk and I can feel my right leg again. There is a time and place for certain medications, but we need to seek the Lord individually. His children hear and know His voice. I am grateful for His great mercy on me even through my multiple times of disobedience. It makes me love Him all the more. Who else can we go to that is able to forgive us like He does? I will continue to seek His guidance. When push comes to shove, I will put my trust in the Great Physician.
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