Isaiah 55:8-9
New King James Version (NKJV)
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
We are not as helpless as many people seem to think we are. Yesterday was another one of those days across our country where we, as mere humans, were voicing our prayers, opinions, suggestions and digging around for answers as to how or why another fellow human could so boldly turn on his own fellow man (woman & children included). It bewilders us. It is completely irrational. Who could figure out this type of mind?
Gun control came up a lot yesterday as one of the solutions to the violence. I am not here to say whether that is a solution or not. I just know that there are many other ways besides guns to perpetrate violence against others. I don't see evil ending anytime soon. I have mentioned recently in another blog post that we have an enemy who is out to destroy and kill us. This is not some imaginary enemy. Just because you can't see him doesn't mean he isn't there. It's the same with God. We can't see Him, but He's there.
God's ways are so above our own that we can't, but I'm sure we will try, to figure this whole dreadful situation out. Many will sit in front of the TV over the course of the next days, weeks, months or even years to come, focused on this hideous event.
I turned the news on yesterday, which I rarely ever do because I had seen the AP banner across my I phone as many others did as well. I started to hear about it on social media and did not want to be ignorant so I turned on the news. I was sickened, literally, by what I saw and heard. Although it was making me sick, I still felt compelled to just sit there and listen to every aspect about the horrific situation over and over again. I used to do that with all major news event such as 9/11, tsunamis, hurricanes, Casey Anthony....
There was a time when I was literally unable to sleep and suffered from severe insomnia & anxiety. I used to fall asleep with the TV on in our bedroom. Kenny and I started to turn it off. Then we physically removed it from our room completely. I don't watch television during the day anymore either. I can't tell you how helpful this has been for me and my problem with anxiety. I am not trying to convince anyone how to live YOUR life or what to do or not do. I am just sharing what has helped me personally. How can one not have the natural reaction of anxiety and depression while pumping tragic events into your brain continuously via the news, especially while trying to sleep? I'm no professional but isn't anxiety and depression normal physical reactions to terrible, tragic events? I just think that when our brains continue to be saturated with this poison, we will continue to feel prolonged anxiety & depression.
What I do know is that God is alive. He is on the throne and for reasons we are unable to understand, He has allowed, not necessarily caused, this tragic event to happen whether we like it or not. My God is good. My God is faithful. My God is in control. The disciples were horrified that Jesus was crucified and died the death of a criminal. This man Jesus, lived a sinless life and no deceit was found in His mouth yet He was crucified. If God allowed His Son to die this bloody, violent, tragic death, why would He not allow us to suffer at times as well? The "ultimate good" came out of that crucifixion! Prophecy was fulfilled and the veil was torn from top to bottom, giving us access to the Father through Jesus. Don't wait even one more day to repent and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Like the people involved in the massacre in Colorado, no one knows if they will have another breath. It's just reality. The bible says we are either for Him or against Him. That decision is the most important one you will ever make. It will determine your eternal destiny. Don't let another second go by without a Savior, we ALL need Jesus. He is our help in times of trouble. We don't need to be helpless...we have God!
Psalm 46:1
New King James Version (NKJV)
46 God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Please let us keep the people and families involved in this tragedy in our continued prayer... This will be time well spent....
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